Alachua - Global Learning Preschool

Jan 13, 2021

Why Choose Global Learning Preschool in Alachua

Global Learning Preschool in Alachua County is dedicated to providing your child with the highest quality early childhood education. Our preschool offers a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can thrive and develop essential skills for their future.

With a focus on academic excellence, social-emotional development, and cultural diversity, Global Learning Preschool stands out as the top choice in Alachua. Our team of experienced and highly-trained educators are passionate about fostering a love for learning in every child.

Our Curriculum

At Global Learning Preschool, we believe that a strong educational foundation is crucial for your child's success. Our curriculum is designed to engage and challenge children at every age and stage of development.

From our early literacy programs to our hands-on science activities, we provide a comprehensive learning experience that prepares children for kindergarten and beyond. Our curriculum combines the best practices from various educational philosophies, ensuring a well-rounded approach that caters to each child's unique learning style.

Early Literacy

Reading is a fundamental skill that opens doors to endless possibilities. Our early literacy program focuses on building strong language skills, phonics awareness, and a love for books. Through storytelling, interactive reading activities, and word play, we foster a lifelong passion for reading in our preschoolers.

Mathematics and Problem-Solving

Mathematics lays the foundation for logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Our engaging math curriculum introduces basic concepts, number recognition, and mathematical reasoning skills. We make math fun through hands-on activities, puzzles, and games, allowing children to develop a strong numerical foundation.

Science and Discovery

Curiosity is a driving force for learning. Our science and discovery program provides children with opportunities to explore the world around them through interactive experiments and hands-on activities. We encourage critical thinking, observation, and hypothesis testing while fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world.

Social Studies and Cultural Awareness

At Global Learning Preschool, we believe in fostering cultural diversity and promoting global awareness. Our social studies curriculum introduces children to different cultures, traditions, and customs from around the world. Through storytelling, music, and art, we encourage respect, empathy, and a celebration of diversity.

Creative Arts and Expression

Artistic expression plays a vital role in fostering creativity and imagination. Our creative arts program allows children to explore various art forms, from painting and sculpting to music and dance. We celebrate every child's unique creative abilities and encourage self-expression in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Enrollment Information

Global Learning Preschool in Alachua is currently accepting enrollments for children aged 2 to 5 years. Our small class sizes ensure individualized attention and focus on each child's needs. We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate working parents.

To register your child or schedule a tour of our facilities, please fill out the enrollment form on our website or give us a call at [Phone Number]. We look forward to welcoming your child into our Global Learning Preschool family!

Hear from Our Parents

"Global Learning Preschool in Alachua has been a game-changer for our child's education. The teachers are exceptional, and the curriculum is outstanding. Our child has blossomed academically and socially since joining the preschool. We highly recommend Global Learning Preschool to all parents in Alachua County."

"Choosing Global Learning Preschool for our child was the best decision we made. The caring and supportive environment has helped our child gain confidence and develop a love for learning. The curriculum is comprehensive and well-structured, making it a top-notch preschool in Alachua."

Contact Us

We are conveniently located in the heart of Alachua County. Visit us today at:

Global Learning Preschool

123 Main Street

Alachua, FL 12345

For any inquiries or to schedule a visit, please email us at [email protected] or call us at [Phone Number]. We are here to answer all your questions and assist you in providing the best education for your child.

Ryan Irene
Wow, this preschool sounds incredible! 🌍❤️ I'm all about fostering academic, emotional, and cultural growth for little ones! 👌😊
Nov 11, 2023
Gabriel Duke
This preschool is amazing! 🌍❤️ They really prioritize academic excellence, emotional development, and cultural diversity for the little ones. Highly recommend!
Oct 18, 2023