Admissions Tuition and Forms Tampa - Corbett Prep

Feb 16, 2018

Admissions Process

At Global Learning Preschool, we strive to make the admissions process as seamless and stress-free as possible for families in Tampa. Our admissions team is dedicated to helping you every step of the way.

Whether you are looking for early childhood education, preschool programs, or kindergarten enrollment for your child, we are excited to welcome you to our Corbett Prep campus. We believe in providing a nurturing and inclusive environment where children can thrive.

Tuition Fees

We understand the importance of transparency when it comes to tuition fees. Global Learning Preschool's tuition is structured to deliver the highest quality education while remaining competitive in the Tampa area.

Our tuition fees include a comprehensive curriculum, highly qualified teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wide range of enrichment activities. We are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience for your child.

Please contact our admissions office for detailed information on tuition fees and any available scholarships or financial aid options.

Forms and Enrollment

Enrollment at Global Learning Preschool begins with completing the necessary forms. We prioritize open communication and encourage you to reach out to our admissions office for assistance throughout the process.

Our enrollment forms cover important information such as personal details, medical history, emergency contacts, and your child's specific needs and preferences. It is crucial for us to have a comprehensive understanding of each child to ensure their safety and well-being while under our care.

After submitting the required forms, we will schedule an appointment for you and your child to visit the Corbett Prep campus. This visit will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with our facilities, meet our passionate teachers, and experience the warm and welcoming atmosphere that sets Global Learning Preschool apart.

During the visit, we encourage you to ask any questions you may have and discuss any concerns or specific requirements for your child. Our team is dedicated to accommodating diverse needs and ensuring that every child feels valued and supported.

Contact Us

Thank you for considering Global Learning Preschool's Tampa campus, Corbett Prep, for your child's early education. We would be honored to join you on this exciting journey of nurturing their growth and development.

Please feel free to contact our admissions office through the provided contact information on our website. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any further inquiries, schedule a visit, and guide you through the admissions process.

Global Learning Preschool - where every child's potential is celebrated and nurtured.

This preschool is amazing!
Nov 8, 2023