Welcome to Global Learning Preschool - Where Meals and Hours Matter!

Oct 3, 2019
Online Lunches

Quality Meals for Growing Minds

At Global Learning Preschool, we believe that a well-balanced diet is essential for your child's growth and development. That's why we take extra care in providing nutritious meals that are both delicious and beneficial.

Our experienced and talented chefs meticulously plan our menus to ensure that each meal includes a variety of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. We prioritize organic and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible, promoting a healthy and sustainable environment.

We understand that children may have dietary restrictions or allergies, and we are fully committed to accommodating these needs. Our dedicated staff works closely with parents to create customized meal plans that meet individual dietary requirements, ensuring that every child receives the nourishment they need.

Flexible Hours to Accommodate Your Schedule

We understand that today's parents have busy lives and demanding schedules. That's why we offer flexible hours to accommodate your needs. Whether you have early morning meetings or late afternoon commitments, Global Learning Preschool has you covered.

Our doors open early in the morning, allowing you to drop-off your child at a time that suits you best. We also offer extended evening hours, giving you the flexibility to pick up your child later in the day.

By offering flexible hours, we aim to reduce the stress of balancing work and family obligations. We want to make sure that you have peace of mind knowing that your child is well-cared for and supported throughout the day.

Enriching Activities During Meal Times

Meal times at Global Learning Preschool are more than just a time to eat. We view them as invaluable opportunities to foster social interaction, develop good eating habits, and enhance the learning experience.

During meals, children sit together in small groups, encouraging conversation and the development of social skills. Our caring and attentive teachers join each group, creating a warm and supportive environment.

We provide age-appropriate utensils and encourage self-feeding, promoting independence and fine motor skills. Our teachers engage children in conversations about food, its origins, and its nutritional value, nurturing their curiosity and understanding of healthy eating habits.

Partnering with Parents for Optimal Nutrition

At Global Learning Preschool, we believe that fostering a strong partnership with parents is crucial in providing the best care for your child. When it comes to meals, we value your input and encourage active participation.

We regularly share our menus with parents, allowing you to be aware of the nutritious meals we provide. We welcome feedback and are open to suggestions, ensuring that your child's dietary needs and preferences are considered.

In addition, we organize workshops and seminars to educate parents about nutrition, cooking, and how to encourage healthy eating habits at home. We know that a united approach between school and home lays the foundation for a lifetime of positive eating behaviors.


Global Learning Preschool prioritizes the well-being of your child. Through our nutrition-focused meals and flexible hours, we ensure a nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

By offering quality meals, accommodating schedules, and engaging activities during meal times, we go beyond traditional preschools to cultivate healthy eating habits and social skills.

Join us at Global Learning Preschool and give your child the best start to their educational journey!

Sujit Sircar
I love how Global Learning Preschool prioritizes nutritious meals!
Nov 8, 2023