Alpharetta/Johns Creek - Global Learning Preschool

Oct 4, 2017

Why Choose Global Learning Preschool for Your Child?

Global Learning Preschool stands out as the premier educational institution in the Alpharetta and Johns Creek area. We are dedicated to providing exceptional early education programs that nurture children's physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

Exceptional Curriculum

At Global Learning Preschool, we have developed a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to stimulate your child's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Our curriculum incorporates a range of subjects including language arts, mathematics, science, arts, and physical education.

Qualified and Caring Teachers

Our team of highly qualified and caring teachers are passionate about early childhood education. They create a warm and welcoming environment where children feel safe to explore, ask questions, and engage in hands-on learning activities.

Our Facilities

Global Learning Preschool boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are specifically designed to support early childhood education. Our classrooms are equipped with age-appropriate learning materials and resources, ensuring that each child has access to the tools they need to excel.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

We prioritize the safety and well-being of every child in our care. Our facilities are secured with modern security systems, and our staff is trained to handle emergencies and ensure the utmost safety at all times.

Engaging Playgrounds

We believe that outdoor play is an essential part of a child's development. That's why Global Learning Preschool features spacious and well-maintained playgrounds where children can engage in physical activities, socialize, and explore their surroundings.

Enrichment Programs

In addition to our core curriculum, Global Learning Preschool offers various enrichment programs to further enhance your child's educational journey. These programs include foreign language classes, music lessons, art workshops, and more.

Collaborative Learning

We promote collaborative learning through group projects and activities that encourage teamwork and cooperation. This not only develops important social skills but also fosters a love for learning and a sense of community among our students.

Individualized Attention

We understand that each child is unique and learns at their own pace. Our teachers provide individualized attention to cater to the specific needs and interests of each student, ensuring maximum growth and development.

Parent Partnership

At Global Learning Preschool, we believe that open communication and collaboration with parents are crucial for a child's success. We actively engage parents in their child's learning journey through regular updates, parent-teacher conferences, and workshops.

Parent Involvement Opportunities

We encourage parents to actively participate in various school activities and events. From volunteering in the classroom to joining our parent advisory board, there are numerous opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's educational experience.

Regular Progress Reports

We provide regular progress reports that outline your child's achievements, areas of improvement, and developmental milestones. These reports serve as a valuable tool for parents to track their child's progress and actively support their ongoing education.

Join Global Learning Preschool Today

Choosing the right preschool for your child is an important decision. Global Learning Preschool offers a top-notch educational experience that prioritizes your child's holistic development. Join us in creating a strong foundation for your child's future success.

Visit our website or contact us today to schedule a tour and learn more about our educational programs!